#3 I am a singer

As well as Daddy, Where Are We Going?, I Am A Singer is also a television entertainment show imported from Korea. It stands out from the normal talent shows because it was a competition between famous singers. It shows seven different style singers every Friday with professional musician commentators and real audiences voted, which earned a high audience rate. Purely music topic television shows usually have low ratings in China. As an outstanding show, its success was supported by various reasons.

On the stage:


Image courtesy to Letv.com

I Am A Singer has only the time of seven songs to get its audiences attention, and stimulate their desire to keep watching every week. So I will show my opinion about what elements made this show successful.

  • Celebrity Effect: The same as Daddy, Where Are We Going? singers in this show have their own fans to support them. All these singers are different ages (from 10-50), music styles (popular music, rock, world, and so on), which prepared the show with a firm audience background. Meanwhile, the famous singers competing with each other make this process like grassroots singers, and that’s also very attractive to other audiences.

Image courtesy to Sohu.com

  • Audiences are the judges: Although it was a competition between professional singers,  whether they are going to stay or leave is dependent on the audiences’ vote. I believe that’s another attractive element in I Am A Singer. The program production team public recruits audience members from all over the nation. According to the show, these audiences all have an eye for music. Also, for the fairness of the competition, as singers were in different ages, audiences are divided equally into five groups based on their age as well (10+ to 50+). For those audiences in front of a TV or computer screen, I think that is also a high attraction.
  • Professional team: Judges represented public come from all over the nation, but the show was styled with only the most professional team. Before the first season of the show, despite if they are already experts in the entertainment show area, the production team went to Korea to learn more detailed skills to present I Am A Singer. From the first season, this show was equipped with very professional audio devices, conducted live music performance and harmonies. Singers were full of praise for the effect of the scene after their singing experiences. Besides, the production team added professional choreography, lighting and multi-camera shooting teams in the show, which aimed to provide the same feeling to the audiences in the studio and in front of the TV screen.

Off the stage:

Although the perfect performance seems to have give I Am A Singer huge success, the integrated marketing strategy is also important to the show.

  • Opinion leader: At the very end of Daddy, Where Are We Going?, I Am A Singer was reached on the show, and it invited the celebrity dads and children to the scene of the new show, I Am A Singer. This successfully transferred the high audiences rates to the new program. Also, before the show aired, the program showed and introduced some fragments to the opinion leaders, so they have a recommendation before the show went public.1 5


    Image Courtesy to Haomin Chen, Qilong Wu, Zheng Yu

  • Suspense: It is a huge selling point in I Am A Singer. Before the high recommendation before the show, audiences were already curious about what it is. However, the singers were completely confidential to the audiences and even to each other. Besides, every two weeks after a singer was weeded out, a new singer would show up to fill the spot. This weekly show provided audiences a weeklong time to discuss and guess the new participant, and while the discussion is hot, more new audiences would join them to watch the show.
  • Multi-media communication: The strength of social media in real time communication is fully known by the production teams of Hunan TV station. The production team of I Am A Singer conducts integrated marketing with various social media and video sites, even including YouTube for international audiences. The team also set topics about the show to stimulate audiences discussing, which even drive the spread of off-line word of mouth. All such elements are supporting the rates of I Am A Singer.

#3 我是歌手






  • 明星效应:这一点和《爸爸去哪儿》有相似之处,不同年龄段的歌手有着不同年龄段的受众和粉丝。《我是歌手》每期七位风格不同的歌手,本身就已经为这个节目打好了较为稳定的受众基础。此外,作为演唱比赛类的节目,平日专业级的歌手需要像草根明星一样进行层层竞争以走到决赛,对于并非某位歌手的固定观众来说,无疑是非常具有吸引力的。
  • 观众评审:虽说是专业歌手之间的较量,谁留谁走却是由观众说了算,我想这也是《我是歌手》吸引观众的一点。节目组在官网上公开招募现场评审,500位观众来自全国各地,并具有一定的音乐素养。为了公平起见,现场评审还根据年龄段而均分投票,这一点对不在现场的观众来说也可以达到心理认可度的提高。



  • 专业团队:观众是广大受众的代表,从全国各地不同背景的民众中产生,但节目组却以最专业的团队来准备。在第一季开始之前,《我是歌手》制作团队去了节目的原产地进行全方位的学习,虽然本身也是电视界的老手,但仍在节目细节上费了很多心思。从第一季开始,《我是歌手》便斥巨资配备了专业的音响设备,并且进行现场配乐演奏及和声,所有歌手都对现场的效果赞不绝口;运用了专业的舞美、灯光以及多机位的现场拍摄,无论在不在现场都同样能够感受到它舞台的魅力。




  • 意见领袖:从上档节目《爸爸去哪儿》的最后一集,《我是歌手》的身影便接档出现,顺利将《爸爸》的超高收视率转移到《歌手》节目中来。另外,在节目开播之前,节目组就已经现行出马将节目传给一些微博名人看过,许多没有参加这个节目的明星名人也在微博上对这档节目进行了大力推荐。1 4

    图片来源于 @吴奇隆,@陈浩民,@于正 微博

  • 悬念营销:当观众对这档节目产生了好奇心后,悬念便持续在观众心中产生,甚至在网上引发猜想的热门话题。播出季度开始之前,参赛的歌手们处于完全保密的状态,即使比赛选手相互之间也只能猜测自己的对手。并且,每两期节目得票率最低的选手一旦淘汰,便会有一位新晋歌手补位。周播节目一个星期的间歇为观众们提供了足够长时间的悬念,网上的讨论以及期待使得节目影响范围再次扩大,吸引了更多受众的关注。
  • 多媒介传播:新媒体的传播力量已经不用多叙,湖南卫视的节目也都深谙运用之道。不仅运用了多家视频网站,社交媒体进行整合传播,官方媒体对网络讨论也起到了很大的推动作用,热门话题制造出来之后,有的是观众或者意见领袖去讨论和传播,甚至带动线下的口碑传播,这些都对《我是歌手》节目的热度的不断攀升做出了贡献。