#7 The Capable Deserve the Job

I talked about some television variety show might have some negative social influence to audience especially to youth audiences, also, some of comments talked about there are too many imported shows in Chinese variety show marketplace rather than the original ones. From my perspective, I do not think vulgar topics would become the standard of Chinese variety shows, except for some police regulation, the ones got more meaningful content is getting more and more popular to audiences. The imported variety shows are in higher quality and attracted more audiences is the situation of Chinese variety show, and also the biggest problem in original producers. I believe this is a learning process, and there will be some excellent variety shows in Chinese marketplace sooner or latter.

This article will introduce a positive meaningful, and most importantly, Chinese original variety show: The Capable Deserve the Job.

entertainment show The Capable Deserve the Job

Logo of The Capable Deserve the Job, image courtesy to zhilaizhiwang.tv

It’s a reality show lunched by Jiangsu TV station and Chinese Education TV station, which aimed to provide job opportunities, and also various opinions about jobs for job hunters. This show started air in 2010 and got an increasingly rate of view since it lunched.

As the first job-hunting variety show in China, The Capable Deserve the Job’s success not only was because it was needed by the society, but also need to thanks to its well produce design and market plan.

  • job-hunter

    Host and job-hunter, image courtesy to zhilaizhiwang.tv

    Job hunters: While there are increasingly talents in Chinese marketplace, job hunters are hunger for tips to standing out and get the right position in their career. The topics about job are even hotter in college students and young employees. The Capable Deserve the Job is such a platform for job hunters and audiences to see the important aspect in the job-hunting process.

Five job hunters were showed to the interviewers in each show time, some of them are over arrogant and some of them are over humble. At the same time, the entertainment elements and professional topics about them are also provided by the show. With the discussion of different topics about education background, age, majors and so on, The Capable Deserve the Job triggered its audiences to reflect their thoughts and views about such hot topics.

  • Interviewers: Although only 18 interviewers were on the stage of the show, they
    Mo Chen

    Mo Chen, Chief public relations officer of P&G China, image courtesy to zhilaizhiwang.tv

    represented various fields such as Sales, Human Resource, Planning, Design. They ask sharp questions, and also provide their perspective to the audiences. One of the biggest feature is these interviewers would simulate the interview process and be the interviewee, and explain the key points need to be thought in this job hunting process. It attracted a lot of audiences who are facing or will facing such challenges.

  • Mr. Job: Except the two basic elements: interviewee and interviewer, the show also equipped with a role as analyst, who provide third-party objective directions to the job-hunter. With each issue these job-hunters encountered, they give their suggestions and also encouragement. This role in the show made The Capable Deserve the Job with authority, and the encouragement helped more audiences to understand themselves better in the job-hunting process.

Since The Capable Deserve the Job targeted its audiences to the newly employees and college students, it set corresponding communication strategies to reach them.

At the beginning of the show, all subway lines are full of the preview video of The Capable Deserve the Job. Targeted at the highly concentrated place gathered with young newly employees and students, which is a good orientated communication.

campus tour

The Capable Deserve the Job on campus, image courtesy to zhilaizhiwang.tv

Aiming to students, the produce team and the interviewers lunched several students meeting in colleges, shared their tips of job interview. It got a wide spread and a long-term attraction to these students who are also the focus audiences of the show.

Same with all the shows I introduced before, The Capable Deserve the Job also chose social media to reach their audiences. However, what it different with other shows’ communication process is that it did not only post previews or repost comments from authorities. Since its educational and functional feature, this show also integrated and shared a lot of tips for job-hunters. Less intention of publicity but more useful message to audiences made The Capable Deserve the Job once the most influential television show.

The Capable Deserve the Job is very successful to its target audiences, which get simulations after its launch. However, from whether the host, the interviewer or the structure of the show, none of the followers balanced the entertainment function and the educational function as well as The Capable Deserve the Job.

From my perspective, variety shows like The Capable Deserve the Job is featured with the educational and service function, although cannot completely eliminate the entertainment function, it still need to remember it started from the point of serve the job-hunter, and provide more meaningful content to the audiences.

#7 职来职往


entertainment show The Capable Deserve the Job






  • 求职嘉宾:如今中国人才市场逐渐饱和,如何在人群中脱颖而出,掌握求职机会也是准备步入职场的大学生,以及初入职场人员们强烈关心的话题。《职来职往》每期都有五位各具特色的求职者,他们通过自己求职的过程展示出了很多社会中的热点话题,例如有人狂妄自大,也有人过分谦卑。这些娱乐性与专业性并存的话题不仅向电视机后无数正在关注求职信息的观众展示了各种学历,背景,年龄,专业等求职经验,也通过对节目话题的讨论,为观众带来了跟多关于求职各方面问题的思考。
Mo Chen

陈默,宝洁公司大中华区品牌公关总监  图片来源于职来职往官方网站

  • 职位资源:节目中对应聘者进行选拔考验的是来自十八个企业的代表,包含销售,行政,人力资源,策划,设计等多个领域。这些面试官对于求职者们一阵见血的犀利点评和独到的观点解读也为正在经历求职的观众们带来了很多思考。综艺节目中对于面试过程的展示也是《职来职往》的一大特色,而面试官对求职者的要求和现场测试也为观众们在综艺娱乐的同时展示给观众,由此吸引了固定的收视群体。
  • 职业分析师:除了求职者和面试官,《职来职往》节目现场还有一位“职业分析师”,从客观的角度寄予求职者正确的指引,也向观众总结分享求职过程中需要注意的方面,使得《职来职往》的更具有职业性的发言权。作为客观的分析者,在舞台上不仅给予求职者心理上的辅导与激励,更能够让更多人看清自身的优势和不足,为更多的人带来求职的方向。



campus tour

职来职往校园行 图片来源于职来职往官方网站



